07977 456 624 info@applehr.co.uk

1. Liven up your working environment

An everyday 9-to-5 job could wear on anyone. So make it more exciting! Flexible working, meetings at coffee shops (restrictions allowing!), walking meetings or even something as small as buying new chairs for the office are all good ways to keep your employees engaged.

2. Celebrate your team (not just their work)

Celebrate your employees’ accomplishments outside of work as well as in. A new baby, a birthday, a graduation are all perfect examples of how you can make your employees feel recognised and important.

3. Be motivating and supportive

Nobody wants to be bossed around at work. Being advised, coached and nurtured is much more effective for your business.

4. Ask your team for advice

Consulting your employees and asking for feedback shows that you respect their opinions and appreciate their strengths.

5. Encourage individuality

Encourage their personalities to shine, find out something that is important to them. Nobody likes to feel like a clone.

6. Provide flexible work hours and locations

Allowing employees to work remotely and offering flexible hours will make them feel trusted and respected. Having the freedom to work how you like really lifts engagement.

7. Create a feedback safe environment

Employees need to feel that giving feedback will not have negative repercussions, they should feel safe.

8. Make space for socialising

Create socialising areas in your office (where possible) to allow your team to have a break and interact. This could just be a room with a few sofas to recharge. Take a look at these alternative ideas for Christmas Parties

9. Make sure they’re not overworking

If you show that you care about an employees’ work life balance they will feel valued and appreciated. You could recommend a work schedule that they are comfortable with and allows them free time to spend with family and friends.  In the current climate with lots of home working going on, it can be really difficult to feel like you ever get a break from your work.

10. Create an engaging experience

Perceptions are formed as soon as you enter a new place, make your new employees feel welcome and comfortable from the outset.  On of the most important things you can do: SMILE